About Musters Lodge

Musters Lodge No. 7095 is a Masonic Lodge in the Province of Nottinghamshire, warranted by The United Grand Lodge of England on 6 th June 1951, sponsored by the Duchess of Portland Lodge No. 3570 and consecrated on 24 th September 1951.

Meetings Where and When?

The Lodge meets at The Freemasons Hall, Welbeck Road, West Bridgford NG2 7QW. There are 7 regular Lodge meetings, each year, which are held on the first Tuesday of the month from October to April.
Each one consists of a formal masonic meeting with various degree ceremonies and lectures, as well as normal Lodge business.

It is expected that Members will attend all regular meetings of the Lodge, unless prevented by illness, family matters or unavoidable business. The Lodge actively supports every member in his progress through the Offices of the Lodge. This is achieved by the help of an active Instruction Circle, which meets on the second Tuesday in October to March (excluding December) and a Rehearsal on the Tuesday before each Lodge Meeting.


Every meeting is followed by a Festive Board (dinner), usually two courses. This is a social gathering around a formal meal, which is always extremely convivial.
West Bridgford Masonic Hall has its own dedicated bar, where other drinks including tea and coffee are always available. We are always delighted to welcome visiting Brethren, who we trust will find us a friendly and hospitable Lodge.

Traditionally, two formal social evenings are held each year; the first being a Christmas Dinner, which follows the Lodge Meeting on the first Tuesday in December and the second a Ladies Festival, usually held on the second Saturday in April. Masonic and Non-masonic friends and family are all invited to both these events.
Other informal social gatherings are arranged on a less regular basis.


Individual members make regular contributions, within their means, to masonic and non-masonic charities, both locally and nationally.
This is partly achieved by a raffle held at each Festive Board.

Why Join Musters Lodge?

A good man will gain a unique experience of how to develop into an even better man by joining Freemasonry; as a member of this Lodge, he will gain a valuable insight into his own character in a very happy and friendly atmosphere, among like-minded people, all being joined by the common purpose of friendship, charity and integrity. Membership of Musters Lodge should be seen as a valuable and enjoyable part of the leisure time of each member. We welcome applications from any man over 21 years of age, plus those over 18 who have completed their full-time education.
All candidates should have the high moral standards expected and be willing to learn and contribute to the progress of the Lodge.